Luxury Buttons 2.0.0. New features of the plugin.
1. New view of issue page.
Now you can change the appearance of issue in Redmine.
You can also configure pairs for fields of type "Date", that they displayed in pairs rather than individually.
2. Button display conditions on the basis of the parent issue fields.
For more flexibility when creating lifecycles in Redmine, buttons display conditions have been expanded with fields of the parent task.
And also on the presence/absence of the parent/child tasks.
3. Export and import of issue lifecycles.
Now you can import/export life cycles that are configured through the module Luxury Buttons.
As button settings may affect custom fields, statuses, roles and projects, export records all the data, while imports made phased so that you can create/select the appropriate entities.
4. Localization of button names.
For convenience of work with buttons in multinational companies, where each employee used their language interface, was implemented the ability to localize buttons in different languages.
Now in button settings you can specify how the button name will display in different languages interface.
5. Extended button actions: Editing wathers and Issue deletion.
For convenience of work with issue we implement types of buttons that made some special actions on issues not regulated by the standard form of editing.
To the existing possibilities of "Copying issue" and "Expand issue" were added actions to "Edit watchers" and "Deleting issue."
6. The ability to assign issue to a group on the basis of the role.
Now you can assign issue to group through the buttons.
If the group has role in project, then after enabling flag "Priority to the group" in button settings, the task will automatically be assigned to the group, instead of first user with this role.