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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком plugin. Показать все сообщения

вторник, 9 июня 2015 г.

Issue Tabs Plugin

Issue Tabs Plugin

Plugin for Redmine that optimizes the work with the issue history.

  • By separating the information through the tabs, you can better understand the state of issue at the moment.
  • Separation into tabs make communication within the issue easier. You can view comments and changes of issue fields in separate tabs.

What the plugin «Issue Tabs» do

Plugin «Issue Tabs» improves the interface of issue page, making the work more convenient.
  • Separates comments and history on different tabs. This allows you to conveniently communicate within the issue, by not mixing comments with messages about user`s actions.
  • Creates a separate tab «Spent time», which simplifies evaluation of the work by the issue.
  • Creates a separate tab «Commits» to view the commits which were made by programmer performing this issue.

If you install our plugins «Unread Issues» and «Clear Plan», it will also get tabs «Statistic» and «Views».
  • Tab "Views" will allow you to determine who and when looks through this issue.
  • Tab "Statistics" will allow to view issue time statistics: how long, in what status and on whom the issue was. Such statistics is very useful for the analysis of weak points in the lifecycle of issue execution.

 tabs, issue, lifecycle, plugin, plugins, query, redmine, request, rmplus, clear plan, unread issues, task, tracker,

More information about our plugin "Issue Tabs" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

четверг, 21 мая 2015 г.

Service Desk Plugin

Service Desk Plugin

Redmine plugin, which automates the process of requesting services between departments.

  • All of your employees will get an automated environment for requesting services from the structural units.
  • Management of the company - is a staff communication. Employees will be able to collectively solve problems, request information, approve solutions and necessity of work.
  • You get a complete solution. All you need - is to set up services that can assist your structural units.
  • Multifunctional system of requests approval helps to filter and organize requests of the initiators. Company resources will not be spend in vain.
  • Buying a plugin «Service Desk», you will get for free a plugin «Hierarchy» for editing hierarchical structure of the company and import employee data from the a Microsoft Windows domain.
  • Plugin «Service Desk» allows to connect requests for services with the planned issues. Executor of issue will always be aware of what the end customer wants.

Benefits of «Service Desk»:

You will receive a turnkey solution that allows any employee to request services from any of the structural unit of your company. Each structural unit will be able to define and customize the list of services that it provides.

 service desk, AD, department, filtration, edit, issue, plugin, plugins, query, redmine, rmplus, subdivision, request, lifecycle,

Planned issues will be automatically linked to the key goal.

service desk, AD, department, filtration, edit, issue, plugin, plugins, query, redmine, rmplus, subdivision, request, lifecycle,

Management of the company - is a process of communication between employees. Plugin «Service Desk» provides excellent opportunities of corporate communication.
  • Each employee will be able to discuss and record the results of this discussion, using a special kind of requests.
  • Following the discussion, you can generate a request for the provision of the service. All discussed information will remain in the request.
  • You will be able to hold a discussion on any request for the provision of the service assigned to you.
service desk, AD, department, filtration, edit, issue, plugin, plugins, query, redmine, rmplus, subdivision, request, lifecycle,

You will be able to initiate a discussion at any stage of the life cycle the request. It provides additional flexibility as requests execution is often associated with staff occupying various positions in the company. You can choose any interlocutor from the list of all employees.

service desk, AD, department, filtration, edit, issue, plugin, plugins, query, redmine, rmplus, subdivision, request, lifecycle,

All opinions, suggestions and solutions are recorded in the request and are visible to people responsible for the execution. Executors can use the collective intelligence of the organization. Increase awareness of employees about solved the problems of the company .

service desk, AD, department, filtration, edit, issue, plugin, plugins, query, redmine, rmplus, subdivision, request, lifecycle,

The lifecycles of requests and issues are closely related. Executor of issue will always be able to see what was originally required by the customer.
service desk, AD, department, filtration, edit, issue, plugin, plugins, query, redmine, rmplus, subdivision, request, lifecycle,
User-friendly interface will always tell at what stage the request is on and which button should be pressed, to transfer it to the next stage.

service desk, AD, department, filtration, edit, issue, plugin, plugins, query, redmine, rmplus, subdivision, request, lifecycle,

More information about our plugin "Service Desk" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

понедельник, 4 мая 2015 г.

Custom Menu Plugin

Custom Menu Plugin

Plugin for Redmine, that allows to adjust the structure and items of Redmine menu.

  • Allows you to customize the menu structure in Redmine and to add nested elements to group similar items in a drop-down list.
  • Allows you to create your static menu items.
  • Allows you to fold rarely used links in a separate drop-down list on Redmine pages.

How plugin «Custom Menu» allows you to customize the menu structure.

Redmine plugin «Custom Menu» implements the ability to customize the main Redmine menu for your needs.

You can now manage menu items by simply dragging. You will be able to set up separately as main menu, as well as user profile menu.

You can hide in the drop-down menu rarely used links from pages «Redmine».

«Custom Menu»
More information about our plugin "Custom Menu" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

пятница, 20 февраля 2015 г.

Hierarchy Plugin

Hierarchy Plugin

Plugin for synchronization of Redmine with Active Directory (LDAP) and creating a hierarchy of company in Redmine.

  • Eliminates the need to create users, departments, and many others in Redmine by hand. Synchronizes data from the Active Directory domain though allows to edit the synchronized data in Redmine.
  • Any employee will be available to familiarize with detailed background information about any other employee of the company: contact details, manager of the employee, photos, etc.
  • Allows to assign deputy for the employee for a certain period and transfer rights to work in the system to deputy. 

Benefits of «Hierarchy» against common Redmine:

Just import the structure of your organization from Active Directory in two clicks! If you do not use the corporate domain, you can create or edit the structure manually.

 user, role, plugins, plugin, redmine, rmplus, issue, hierarchy, AD, LDAP, sync, department, office, structure,

 user, role, plugins, plugin, redmine, rmplus, issue, hierarchy, AD, LDAP, sync, department, office, structure,

Each employee will be able to assign itself a deputy on vacation or on absence from work. Deputy will automatically get rights based on roles and hierarchical structure of the company. This function relieve the system administrator from the manual transfer of rights and to make transfer of rights more transparent.

user, role, plugins, plugin, redmine, rmplus, issue, hierarchy, AD, LDAP, sync, department, office, structure,

user, role, plugins, plugin, redmine, rmplus, issue, hierarchy, AD, LDAP, sync, department, office, structure,
user, role, plugins, plugin, redmine, rmplus, issue, hierarchy, AD, LDAP, sync, department, office, structure,

The user will be informed that the selected employee is on vacation and will be able to assign a task to its deputy.

user, role, plugins, plugin, redmine, rmplus, issue, hierarchy, AD, LDAP, sync, department, office, structure,

Any user can easily obtain additional background information about the employee by clicking on its name on any page.

user, role, plugins, plugin, redmine, rmplus, issue, hierarchy, AD, LDAP, sync, department, office, structure,

You will be able to create rules by which employees will get into a group on the basis of position and department. This will provide additional flexibility in system configuration.

user, role, plugins, plugin, redmine, rmplus, issue, hierarchy, AD, LDAP, sync, department, office, structure,
Plugin «Hierarchy» is well integrated and is used by many our plugins. You can get really convenient corporate environment for management and collaboration between your employees. In the presence of «Hierarchy», rights system in our modules is based not only on the Redmine roles, but also on the hierarchical structure of the company (user hierarchy, the hierarchy of departments, heads of departments, etc.). Moreover, the module «Hierarchy» is available for free when you buy the plugin «KPI».

More information about our plugin "Hierarchy" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

воскресенье, 8 февраля 2015 г.

Global Roles Plugin

Global Roles Plugin

Plugin for Redmine, allows administrators to easily configure privileges, and the programmer to use the system roles is Redmine projects.

  • Be able to use system of rights in Redmine outside projects.
  • Redmine administrator will be able to conveniently configure and monitor the system privileges.

What the plugin «Global Roles» do

Plugin «Global Roles» brings concept of «global role» to Redmine. Global roles can be used in side modules where activities of the user are not related with the projects. For example, it may be working with documents, applications, planning , payroll calculation, administration settings KPI etc.

The plugin adds an extra tab to edit page of the user or group — «Global Roles», where such role can be added or removed.

For ease of administration, tabs «Users with global role» and «Users with project role» are now added to the role settings

Expanded the ability to customize the standard «project roles» right out from the role settings on the «Users with project role» tab. Now the administrator can quickly set up the necessary privileges for groups and users, without opening each of them individually.
This plugin is necessary in other Redmine modules to get opportunities of outside the project privileges, and can be used to develop your solutions. There were introduced two new methods for the programmers that are used in the code of other plugins:
  • User.current.global_permission_to?(:permission_name) or User.current.global_permission_to?(:controller, :action) - to check the user global privileges.
  • Method authorized_globaly? - before_filter for checking the availability of the requested action in the controller for the current user.

More information about our plugin "Global Roles" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

среда, 4 февраля 2015 г.

RM+ Devtools Plugin

RM+ Devtools Plugin

Plugin for Redmine, allows to speed up development in Redmine, monitor performance problems, memory leaks, etc.

  • Get information of the requests, the rendering speed of views and spent time, without looking into log-files.
  • Analyze the logs for memory consumption, delays, etc.
  • In the development of plugins you do not have to restart the web-server after changing images, js-files or cascading style sheets.

What the plugin «RM+ Devtools» do

Plugin «RM+ Devtools» allows to speed up the development of plugins for Redmine, reducing the number of restarts of the web-server, and also use of external tools of application developer on Rails.

Use of rack-mini-profiler will allow to analyze the queries directly in the web-based interface. You will be able to analyze queries even on a production server. You will be able to determine for which users displayed debugging information on the page (this is useful when performance problems occur only at particular users).

Use of the tool oink allows to analyze the logs for memory consumption. Just turn on the option in the interface and restart the serve

More information about our plugin "RM+ Devtools" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

четверг, 29 января 2015 г.

Under Construction Plugin

Under Construction Plugin

Plugin for Redmine, which allows carry out maintenance work safely, with preliminary notification of Redmine users.

  • You will be able to preliminary notify users about the terms of works before start, during process of works and after their completion.
  • It is not necessary to completely block all the work in Redmine. You can block only those pages that you want.
  • You can set restrictions on browsers used by users to avoid errors caused by incorrect work of older versions of browsers.

What the plugin «Under Construction» do

Plugin «Under Construction» allows you to set time of maintenance work. Each Redmine user will see in the interface a warning about the terms of maintenance works and additional information from the administrator.

The ability to specify the person responsible for carrying out of works will give an opportunity the user to quickly contact a technician in a critical situation.

You can restrict visiting only a few pages, if your changes do not affect most functionality of your system.

Blocking older versions of browsers will eliminate the additional errors and simplify the work of your technical support. The user will also know whom to contact for software updates.

If you have module «Hierarchy» installed, then you will get more detailed information on the responsible person: photo, contact numbers, e-mail address of a specialist.

More information about our plugin "Under Construction" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

среда, 28 января 2015 г.

Unread Issues Plugin

Unread Issues Plugin

The plugin implements a convenient functionality of monitoring changes in Redmine issues.

  • You will always be able to see a number of issues assigned to you, number of new issues and number of changed issues throught the indicators in the top menu.
  • In any issue list you will see indicators which inform you that the task was not read by you or changed since the last view.

How does informing work in the «Unread Issues» plugin

Plugin removes useless menu-item «Home» in main menu and replaces it with the link «My issues» with three indicators, the following values:
  • Shows the number of issues, according to query, selected in plugin settings (the most logically is to count issues, assigned to you).
  • Shows the number of new issues, according to selected query, that you have not viewed yet.
  • Shows the number of issues, according to selected query, which had changes since your last view.

In the list of issues, before the title of the issue, appears colored indicators that show the current status of the issue. A green circle - if the issue is new and you have not viewed it yet. A blue circle - if the issue had any changes since your last view.

More information about our plugin "Unread Issues" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

вторник, 27 января 2015 г.

Goals Plugin

Goals Plugin

Plugin that allows to manage a company by objectives and implementing the strategic planning function in Redmine.

  • You will be able to engage in strategic planning, can create strategic goals and assign them to the top management.
  • All employees will be informed about what result is expected of them.
  • Managers can quickly distribute the work, breaking complicated issues into smaller ones and delegating them to several executors.
  • Responsible staff will be able to monitor the progress of works affecting the achievement of goals.
  • Plugin «Goals» is integrated with other our Redmine plugins for company management. You will get more complete informing on «My page», in operational plan, in effectiveness of the employee, if you use other our plugins: «Clear Plan», «KPI», «Magic My Page».

Benefits of «Goals» against common Redmine:

You will be able to quickly link any issue with the goal without opening it, immediately, from the list of issues.

issue, plugin, plugins, redmine, rmplus, goal, goals, strategic planning, clear plan, magic my page, KPI,
You will always know for which goal the ultimate issue is performed, and what issues are created to achieve the goal.

issue, plugin, plugins, redmine, rmplus, goal, goals, strategic planning, clear plan, magic my page, KPI,
issue, plugin, plugins, redmine, rmplus, goal, goals, strategic planning, clear plan, magic my page, KPI,  
Next to the title of any goal is an icon, clicking on which you can build a timing diagram, which will be visible to all the progress in achieving the goals, or reasons of delay.

issue, plugin, plugins, redmine, rmplus, goal, goals, strategic planning, clear plan, magic my page, KPI,

issue, plugin, plugins, redmine, rmplus, goal, goals, strategic planning, clear plan, magic my page, KPI,

Decompose (break up) complicated issues in one click! Do not do consistently, do everything at once. You can delegate different parts of the issue to your subordinates. Everyone is working on his task, and you control the process.

issue, plugin, plugins, redmine, rmplus, goal, goals, strategic planning, clear plan, magic my page, KPI,

Integration with other RM+ modules. The more plugins - the more opportunities you get for work in a corporate environment!

issue, plugin, plugins, redmine, rmplus, goal, goals, strategic planning, clear plan, magic my page, KPI,

More information about our plugin "Goals" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

понедельник, 19 января 2015 г.

Usability Plugin

Usability Plugin

Plugin for Redmine, which allows to improve the usability of Redmine.

  • You will get a lot of useful enhancements that will improve Redmine usability: ability to replace the standard preloader that blocks the entire page; ability to hide the sidebar and others.
  • In case of error, Redmine user will receive an informative message with contact information of administrator. With plugin «Service Desk», user can quickly create a request for error correction.
  • With plugin «Hierarchy», you can quickly create issues, requests and other entities, assigning work to subordinates, not thinking about which projects they are in.

What the plugin «Usability» do.

Plugin «Usability» allows to minimize the appearance of progress indicators of issue. And also allows to automatically calculate sum by numerical columns in tables, which is useful in the evaluation of spent and scheduled time.

You will be able to download all attachments in a zip-archive with one click. This is very useful when issue or other entity contains a lot of attachments (eg, pictures).

You will be able to hide the sidebar that can be useful when working with a large amount of information on a laptop or tablet.

You will be able to minimize the interface of sign in and change the page which will be shown to user after authorization.

In case of error the user will be notified with the contact information of the employee, responsible for the work of Redmine. With plugin «Service Desk» user in a single click can create a request for error correction, which will be sent to the right address.

 If you have module «Hierarchy» installed, then you can quickly create issues and other entities assigned to your immediate subordinates.

More information about our plugin "Usability" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro

вторник, 13 января 2015 г.

Luxury Buttons 1.2.0. Новые возможности плагина.


Luxury Buttons 1.2.0. Новые возможности плагина.

1.  Быстрое редактирование полей задач и комментирование задач в списках.

Появилась возможность быстрого редактирования полей задач из списков задач в Redmine.
В настройках проекта вы можете выбрать поля задач, которые будут доступны для быстрого редактирования в списках задач Redmine. Для каждого проекта можно установить индивидуальные настройки. Также есть возможность скопировать настройки быстрого редактирования из какого-либо проекта, либо скопировать текущие настройки во все проекты.

redmine plugin luxury buttons settings

После настройки, при наведении на поле появится иконка карандаша. При нажатии на нее появится форма для быстрого редактирования поля.

redmine plugin luxury buttons edit

Также у поля "Тема" появится иконка комментирования, при нажатии на которую откроется форма для быстрого написания комментария к задаче.

redmine plugin luxury buttons notes

2. Расширение функционала скрытия полей на форме создания новой задачи.

Для правильной работы некоторых плагинов требовалось не только блокирование и скрытие полей на форме новой задачи, но и просто скрытие их на форме. Для этого был реализован данный функционал. Теперь вы можете сами выбирать какие поля блокировать и прятать на форме новой задачи, а какие просто прятать. Для каждого проекта и трекера можно установить индивидуальные настройки. Также осталась возможность скопировать настройки скрытия/блокирования полей из какого-либо проекта, либо скопировать текущие настройки во все проекты.

redmine plugin luxury buttons settings

среда, 24 декабря 2014 г.

User Mentions Plugin


User Mentions Plugin

Plugin allows to mention user in any rich-text field of Redmine.

  • You will be able to mention user by typing part of his name, surname or user login and selecting the desired user from the drop down list.
  • When used together with the plugin «Hierarchy», link to user will open a modal window with useful contact information about the user. This will simplify the use of Redmine in a corporate environment.

How plugin «User Mentions» allows to mention users.

In any text field you can mention user. To do this, type «@» symbol and start typing the name. You will see list with available variants. Search is performed by surname, first name and user login. The desired user can be quickly selected by arrows on the keyboard and pressing «Enter». Mentioned user will be displayed as link to profile or contact information.

After saving object users will see the link to information about the user.

When used together with the plugin «Hierarchy», a new window with detailed contact information about the user will be displayed.

More information about our plugin "User Mentions" you can get on plugin page of our site http://rmplus.pro